Facts About Meal Pattern for Kids- Grains/Breads & Milk

Grains/Breads UseĀ  whole-grain or enriched or made from whole-grain or enriched flour or meal, or if it is a cereal, the product must be whole-grain, enriched or fortified. Bran and germ are credited the same as whole-grain or enriched meal or flour. Grains/breads provide carbohydrates, some B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin), minerals (such as iron), protein, and calories. Whole-grain products supply additional vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and a variety of tastes and textures.

  • At breakfast, choose from a serving of whole-grain or enriched breads, biscuits, rolls, or muffins or a serving of whole-grain, enriched or fortified cereal, or a combination of both.
  • For midmorning and mid-afternoon snacks, try serving whole-grain or enriched bread; whole-grain, enriched, or fortified cereal; cooked whole-grain or enriched rice, bulgur, or macaroni; cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins, crackers, or cookies made of whole-grain or enriched meal or flour. Hot breads, such as rolls, biscuits, cornbread, or muffins, or raisin bread add variety and appeal as well as nutrients.
  • At lunch or supper, choose from a serving of: whole-grain or enriched bread, or cooked whole-grain or enriched rice, bulgur, or cornbread; or whole-grain or enriched noodles, macaroni, or other pasta products. An equivalent serving of grains/breads made from whole-grain or enriched meal or flour may be substituted.


  • At breakfast or for snacks, low-fat or fat-free milk can be served as a beverage, on cereal, or as a beverage and on cereal. At lunch or supper, low-fat or fat-free milk must be served as a beverage
  • Use additional low-fat or fat-free milk (fluid, evaporated, or fat-free dry milk) to prepare soups, casseroles, puddings, bakery items, or other baked or cooked products to add calcium and improve the nutritional quality of the meal.